
Revisiting Ruby on Rails

I gave Ruby on Rails another try after experiencing decision paralysis when evaluating which JavaScript UI and server framework to use. The experience from installion to a running server, including a database, has been the best I've had from RoR since its inception. I'll say it's been the best experience of any language or framework I've had in years.

My past attempts with Ruby on Rails, which was years ago, ended with me struggling and sudo gem install my way through tutorials and Stack Overflow entries.

The Rails tutorial is well written and clearly explains basic Rails concepts. I learned enough to start writing my own code that diverges from the tutorial.

The Rails tutorial taught me the basic concepts to start writing my own code, and I felt like I was in control and not resorting to trial and error. After a few controllers, models, migrations, seed data, has_many and belongs_to relationships I've found myself more productive. I'm able to devote more time to working on product ideas and less time finding the right npm package to use or webpack config.